Perspective seeks to publish original biblical, theological, ministerial, and missiological research representing the broad spectrum of the Christian experience from a multidisciplinary (and global) perspective. Our approach is broadly Christian, with an evangelical posture but no denominational preference. We welcome voices from all denominations and a wide range of Christian faith-based communities. Perspective hopes to provide academics, scholars, practitioners, and students a place to engage in rigorous scholarly conversations and respectful debates to advance knowledge of Biblical, theological, ministerial, and missiological fields.
Perspective seeks various submissions relating to the Bible and theology (including theologies of vocation and ministry and theologies of cultural engagement), ministry, and missions-related topics.
Core themes:
- Culturally engaging
- Kingdom building
- Missional focus
- Gospel-centric
Submissions that address one or more of these core themes will receive priority; however, we will consider submissions which may indirectly reflect these same themes.
We are open to and welcome co-authored submissions. Student submissions are also welcome; however, such submissions will be held to the same academic, peer-review, and editorial standards as other submissions.